martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

                                                                      Listening activity

1. Before the interview, the presenter visits a monument to the Holocaust created by the American artist Peter Eiserman. Considering the shapes, architecture and general design, in what ways do you think he represents the reality in the concentration camps?

- He represent the concetration camps with lots of huge black stone blocks making you have the feeling of vulnerability wich was the main feeling in the concentration camps .

2. Which is the paradox the presenter mentions regarding Imre Kertész and the place where he lives?

- The paradox is that now Imre lives in Germany, the country that in the past tried to kill him.

3. Refer to antisemitism before and after Auschwitz according to Kertész.

-It was just an idea of creating again what happend after aushcwitz, antisemitism.

4. In what way do reminders of the past in historical books make us “much richer”?

-The reminders of the historical books makes us much richer because they teach us the consecuenses of the past and the and remind us to do not commit the same mistakes of the past in this case the Holocaust.
5. Which metaphor does Imre use to exemplify the effect of fatelessness on its readers?

 - Imre uses this metaphor:" I continued to worry our souls, and now it knocks from inside the cabinet where we thought we had locked it up." This metaphot exemplify the fatelessness becose it shows the feeling, the problems, and the horrible things he experienced are still there in his mind, in his memorys, wich come to live in his book, wich is his "mirror" to the past.

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