lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012


In literature, a theme is the main topic that the author is trying to highlight. While the term theme was for a time used to reference the message and the moral, literary critics now rarely use it in this namely becose to the confusion it causes about the common sign of theme the subject of discourse, discussion, conversation.

Themes in Frankenstein

Quote: "They are dead; and but one feeling in such a solitude can persuade me to preserve my life. If I were engaged in any high undertaking or design, fraught with extensive utility to my fellow-creatures, then I could live to fullfill it. But such is not my destiny; I must pursue and destroy the being to whom I gave existence; then my lot on earth will be fullfiled, and I may die".

Theme: guilt, solitude.

Explanation: In this quote we can see the main character (Victor Frankenstein) expresses his feeling of solitude becose the monster killed all the people he loved leaving him alone and this can explain why later he thinks in commiting suicide and he also feel guilty becose is his creation who muerdered the ones he known so the only thing he wants is to destroy the thing he have created to stop his nightmare.

Questions The Birthmark

1.-How did Georgiana really die?
She died becose the mark she have in his right cheek was her link to life and when the mark dissapeared from her cheek she gave her last breath.

2.-Why was Aylmer so disturbed by the birthmark, when other considered it a charm? What he find so unacceptable about it?
Aylmer was always disturbed about the mark becose every time that Aylmer looked at the mark he saw a sign of eventual sadness, sickness and death.

3.-Did Aylmer learn anything by the end of the story?
He understand that he blinded by a meaningless imperfection and a selfish and impossible goal he thrown away his only chance of happiness.

4.-Is Aylmer, inventing his elixir, trying to play God?
In some way yes, becose he's trying to change the nature that God putted and saying this we can deduce he is trying to attemp against god will and also his wife life.

5.-Should people people mess with nature?
No, becose nature do the things for one reazon in some way "perfect" and messing nature will only produce bad things like in the story, when Aylmer erased the mark from her wife cheek messing the nature she die.

The trial

The Trial

Its is a form of tribunal, with the authority to judge legal problems between "teams" and execute the administration of crime ,justice, and administrative things that have to do with the laws. In law sistems, courts are the central means for the resolution of disputes, and it is generally understood that all persons have an ability to bring their claims before a court. Similarly, the  right of those accused of a crime include the right to present a defense before a court.

In my case i was part of the prossecution group, who are incharge to prossecute the person accused in this case Victor Frankenstein .This activity in my opinion was a very interesting way to make a review of the gothic novel Frankenstein becose the team work, the organization and the knowledge about the book was a very good method to remember the book, and im sure i will never forget the book again.