martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

                                                               Fatelessness: Language Analysis

What is the theme explored here?
The innocence of Yuri towards whats happening.

"I realized: the fact that i saw no sign of movement, of life, around them", here we can realize the innocence of Yuri, because he doesn't see things how they are really happening. "happily" Yuri uses this word showing his blind innocence, and "I tasted the oft-cited joyful experience" again he uses a word (joyful) showing blind innocence.

What is the main theme explored here?
The Hoplessness

"I could not help bbut notice all the other sick people - wounds and all-", "a pain started on my left hip followed by the now familiar red sack" here Yuri starts feeling the hopelessness wich will increase. "I was often freezing after loosing one of my two blankets" and here we can see the condition of Yuri wich later he will have another hopeless companion "The sallow face and large burning eyes", "his persistently shivering body" and we can see hopeless highlighted in the last four pages: "they where now on my open flesh" "never before had i sensed a more hopeless struggle or a more stubborn" and Yuri also uses certain words to create this hopelessness atmosphere, such as "wreak devastation","gluttony", "teeming", "voracity", "appetite", "uncocealed hapiness", etc.

What is the main theme explored here?
Language as means of interaction

"The latvians they use Yiddish, but they also speak German, Slovakian, and smatering of who knows what, only not Hungarian", "I tried to speak, get myself noticed, but to no avail", here we can see the theme reflected in this two examples and how powerfull was language in that the situation, because everyone who knowed more than one language in that situation haved more power than those who only knewed one like Yuri.

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