jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

                                  ESSAY TASK
1.- In my opinion Fatelessness doesnt have a true message becose the author Imre Kertez when he writed this novel he was just telling the bad experience and how he survived the Holocaust. He didnt whant to leave a message he just wanted to tell all the pain that the jews suffered because of the Nazi party. But if we analyse carefully the story it leaves a message but it wasnt the purpose of the novel. This message was to do not commit the same mistakes we made in  the past, like to do not ignore the human rights because we are all the same, and in this case the Jews that were affected in the Holocaust that where slaughtered in the concentration camps just becasue of an ideology imposed by one person.
                                        ESSAY TASK
2.- The understanding of the points of view expressed in Fatelessness can be hard or easy in my opnion depending of a lot of factors, like the culture, the eductation of the reader and even the nacionality of the reader because the theme wich is talked about in Fatelessness is a very controversial one.

Refering to the culture, a reader can have a different point of view of other reader just because of the culture. Why? because sometimes the culture educates the people different and the can formulate different point of view depending on what he wants to believe.
                                           ESSAY TASK
3.-In the novel Fatelessness the narrative techniques used not only gives us the mood of gyuri it also give us the feelings of gyuri which makes the novel to be know worldwide as a very realistic story.

All the elements that the writers use to create this technique is what makes the novel a tragic one like the young boy that lost verything including his family because of the Holocaust or even the only image of the boy in the concentration camps makes it tragic, when he was forced to work till exhaustion or how he escapes that slaughter of the camp because had a injury in his knee, this elements are the ones that catch the reader and affect the readers mind, making the novel Fatelessnes a very emotive and sensitive story of a young boy who lost everything.
                                           ESSAY TASK
4.- The Context, in this story is one of the most important factors for the authors when they relate their own experience, because the context helps us to understand whats happening in the moment when the story is happening and let us to understand much better the story. And in the case of this story it helps also to understand whats a concentration camp, or how people where treated in the camps, like for example aushchwitz birkenau, this hitorical background helped me to understand the reasons of why gyuri was treated like that, and talking in general , as when we analyse some stories, one of the first aspects we look for is the historical background, like in the book the last of the mohicans, the historical background helps us to understand where is happening and why.

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

                                                                      Listening activity

1. Before the interview, the presenter visits a monument to the Holocaust created by the American artist Peter Eiserman. Considering the shapes, architecture and general design, in what ways do you think he represents the reality in the concentration camps?

- He represent the concetration camps with lots of huge black stone blocks making you have the feeling of vulnerability wich was the main feeling in the concentration camps .

2. Which is the paradox the presenter mentions regarding Imre Kertész and the place where he lives?

- The paradox is that now Imre lives in Germany, the country that in the past tried to kill him.

3. Refer to antisemitism before and after Auschwitz according to Kertész.

-It was just an idea of creating again what happend after aushcwitz, antisemitism.

4. In what way do reminders of the past in historical books make us “much richer”?

-The reminders of the historical books makes us much richer because they teach us the consecuenses of the past and the and remind us to do not commit the same mistakes of the past in this case the Holocaust.
5. Which metaphor does Imre use to exemplify the effect of fatelessness on its readers?

 - Imre uses this metaphor:" I continued to worry our souls, and now it knocks from inside the cabinet where we thought we had locked it up." This metaphot exemplify the fatelessness becose it shows the feeling, the problems, and the horrible things he experienced are still there in his mind, in his memorys, wich come to live in his book, wich is his "mirror" to the past.

Exchanging letters 


What language (specific words) did your classmate did you classmate use to appeal the audience? If there is no language appealing the audience, suggest some words.

My friend uses words such as "saddness" and "suffering" to create a dark atmosphere  and also "i missed you a lot" or "dont loose hope" also to create to the audience a emotive atmosphere.

How moving is the letter ? Do you think that your classmate's style is effective?

In my opinion the letter is very moving because the way he expresses the emotions and the feelings of the father towards the son is a very effective way, its like a real father talking to his son in this situation.

Explain to what extent the letter includes elements of contexts and time.

The letter includes elements of contect such as "concentration camp" which makes the principal reference of context to the dark times of the Holocaust.
                                                               Fatelessness: Language Analysis

What is the theme explored here?
The innocence of Yuri towards whats happening.

"I realized: the fact that i saw no sign of movement, of life, around them", here we can realize the innocence of Yuri, because he doesn't see things how they are really happening. "happily" Yuri uses this word showing his blind innocence, and "I tasted the oft-cited joyful experience" again he uses a word (joyful) showing blind innocence.

What is the main theme explored here?
The Hoplessness

"I could not help bbut notice all the other sick people - wounds and all-", "a pain started on my left hip followed by the now familiar red sack" here Yuri starts feeling the hopelessness wich will increase. "I was often freezing after loosing one of my two blankets" and here we can see the condition of Yuri wich later he will have another hopeless companion "The sallow face and large burning eyes", "his persistently shivering body" and we can see hopeless highlighted in the last four pages: "they where now on my open flesh" "never before had i sensed a more hopeless struggle or a more stubborn" and Yuri also uses certain words to create this hopelessness atmosphere, such as "wreak devastation","gluttony", "teeming", "voracity", "appetite", "uncocealed hapiness", etc.

What is the main theme explored here?
Language as means of interaction

"The latvians they use Yiddish, but they also speak German, Slovakian, and smatering of who knows what, only not Hungarian", "I tried to speak, get myself noticed, but to no avail", here we can see the theme reflected in this two examples and how powerfull was language in that the situation, because everyone who knowed more than one language in that situation haved more power than those who only knewed one like Yuri.

                                                        The Corious Incident 

1.- It tells us that the mind just  receive and collect information in a superficial and not analitcal way, just seeing the fissical things not the messege or the idea of the images, thats because he thinks hes different because he also thinks in this case how old is it.

2.- In my opinion people choose what to see because what they see is what have a meaning to them or whats important.

3.- I think maybe people are too lazy to recive the hole information, and also can see things and recive the information in a different way because the importance they give to some things over the others.

4.- I think we should select thing different, becuase if we get distracted by all the meaningless things we cuold get distracted.

5.- The things that make us select the things we see, i think its the common scence because we only see what is important to us.

6.- The language also plays a important part in how we see the things because language give us a different perspective.

7.- The confusion is the product of seeing different things at the same time, in the text we can see how the narrator gets confused when he recieves different stimulus at the same time.

                                                            Gyuri's mind

1.- This part tell us that the mind of gyuri acts as a child one, in other words as a innocent one, all the things that happen'd around him where something good, but he was not seeing things like they where really happening.

2.- Becose most of 13 year old children choose what they want to be in the future and their achivements, like a general example most of the children in their youth want to be an astronaut or a doctor.

3.- Language plays an important part in gyuris narration, because he choose specefic words to describe what's happening around him, but he gives a innocent description, when its an horrifing scene.

4.- It is not relaible, because he has not lived yet the nightmare thats going to happen in the rest of the story.

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

                                                                   Letter 1

Dear father

Im writing you to tell you that i survived. Im home, safe from the atrocities that i witnessed. The concentration camps are terrible places where freedom is just a ghost and for most of the people ; death. I had to live terrible experiences there, such as hunger, cruelty and the feel of losing most of my friends, who are probably dead. The germans had no mercy i had to work all day, and most of the time my legs didnt resist the hard work and my hands red of blood where just too painfull to grab the spade. But i think that the only reason i survived was because of my friend, the only person i could call a real friend, he was like my guardian angel, he protected me and gived me advices, unfortunatly i dont know what happen'd to him, i lost contact with him when he left me in the entrance of the medic. I broke my leg when i tried to jump off my bed, my leg hurted so bad and it was like a ballon full of pus. But that was my exit, i stayed in the medic until the american's soilders invaded the camp and let us free, then i followed a group of young jewish wich where going to Budapest Dont you worry about our family i will take care of them, i hope i can see you soon dad.

Sincerely gyurka