miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Post watching activity

how did you feel when listening to Gloria's accent?
Well, i felt quite identificated with Gloria becose i have accent too, so it was quite funny to saw her speaking Spanglish becose  sometimes i speak just like her for example when ai forget a word, and when i get annoyed.

Is this variation of language identifying a particular community for good or bad?
This variation of language of identifying the latins in USA, wich is a common community in USA i could identify this becose she use a lot of Spanglish. Well, in my opinion i think shes not identifying her community for bad becose tv progam shows the funny side of spanglish and in my opinion shes the most funny character in the tv show.

 Is this an inferior variation of the english language?
This is an inferior variation becose nobody in the video understood her, in fact sometimes not even me could understand her.

Do yo usually  judge people accent's?
Well if i understand a accent i really dont care much of the accent, but if it is an accent that i cant understand i usually judge it.

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