Quiet: this word describes me becose, i like silence and also i like more to hear than speak, this concept is daily present in my life, everywhere i go, only becose of silenc,i dont know why this concept started to be in my life,but the only thing i know is that i like silence, i am a man of few words.
Patience: well, i chose this word becose this is one of my special qualitys, i can say this becose of my family....; i have 5 brothers 3 younger than and i had to start using my patience to "survive"in some way to my younger brothers, not trying to offend them but some times the ge really annoying.
Sports: sports are part of my life becose of my school, the only place that sports can be played with friends and start training different ones, the sports that i like the most are rugby and football, both official sports in my school.
Caring: i chose this word becose of my interest in helping other people, i guess that comefrom my family specially from my mother i always see her helping others, so i started to practice empathy, and i think this will affect my future in a positive way, becose i want to study medicine,i hope i can succes in my goal.
Inteligent: well, i dont like to presume, but i always think things before doing them, i like to be smart becose i like to analyze, write, read, and learn.
Joyfull: i always like to see the positive side of things, also i dont like to be angry,i like to be happy and who dosent like to be happy?, and my last argument is that im always laughing of most of the things.

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