lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014


English activity: Compare and contrast letters

To Avoid the word 'it' as the subject of a sentence:
The word it is removed in this case and also changed for the word being, then is finished this part of the letter with to me.So in this case this changes also help to reduce the repetition of certain words.

Use clauses, such as who, where or which:
The word where was changed by the word and, also the use of comas is added in the beginning.

Use right verb tense :
As the verb tense changes it gives the idea that is tried to soy the writer instead of something that the writer thought it is now understander as something he thinks of.

Watch out for wordy sentences:
The number of words is reduced , in which it still gives the same message. 

Never start a sentence with but:
In the letter the words but and job are removed, because both words are too repeated.

Don’t have too many clauses at the beginning of a sentence:
The number of clauses in the letter are just a few, changing the position most of the words. The change is in the beginning of the letter.

Parallel structures:
Is changed in such a way that it fits in the language of a work area, by changing the words person by colleague and use the word I just once, making the text more fluid.

Use active verbs instead of passive verbs:
The word I is added at the beginning, making it more active, as if anyone would give value to the organisation.

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